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Community Resources

Writer's picture: Crime and Safety ChairCrime and Safety Chair

Friends and Neighbors, 

I want to take this time to let you know that I am thinking of you. It is my prayer that you and your family are well.

I know that the widespread closures and heavy demand for services are having a deep impact on you and businesses both large and small.  I also understand the concern for your families and the economic impact on your household during this time. Times are certainly tough for everyone.  When my mind wonders how will we weather the effects of the COVID-19 crisis,  my faith answers - we will get through this together.

That is why I am using this time of crisis as a decision point in my life – to hold steadfast to my faith, my family, my values and to what is essential for a better life for us all.  Today, more than ever, I am committed to you to bring positive systemic change and justice to all people in Hamilton County.  If I’ve learned anything during this crisis, I’ve come to fully appreciate that we must, above all else, see and acknowledge each other’s humanity and do what is right for the good of each other and mankind.  I am doing my part now and will do so in the future.

Here is a list of community resources that may serve to help you or someone you know:

If I can help you or should have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me via email at or on Facebook at Wende Cross for Judge. 


Wende Cross

MCC Crime & Safety Chair

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Madisonville Community Council

Cincinnati, Ohio 45227

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