On behalf of the Madisonville Community Council, I am writing to share some of the forward movement that the Madisonville Community Council has made in Q1, as well as what we look to in the coming months.
Neighborhood Support Projects
Bramble Park Revitalization - Detailed our support for the Cincinnati Park Board application for funding through the Green Space Conservation Program project in Bramble Park. Met with key stakeholders to brainstorm long term improvements to the upper and lower quadrants of Bramble Park.
Voiced opposition on behalf of Madisonville for the Duke Energy Central Corridor Pipeline.
Successfully presented to the City of Cincinnati to obtain NSP Funding for 2019, which will be used for ongoing neighborhood projects and programming within our active committees.
Continued to participate in the Insurance Aggregation Program through Invest in Neighborhoods, saving the MCC $800+ each year, while ensuring that all our community engagement projects are compliant and properly insured.
On the Horizon
Ackermann Group has been invited in April for a special meeting to present the next phase of their proposal for the ongoing development opportunities at Madison and Whetsel. We look forward to facilitating ongoing community engagement in this process.
We are pleased to bring back Tuesdays at the Park once again this year in conjunction with Artsville, Cincinnati Recreation Commission, the Madisonville Business Chamber, and the Madisonville Urban Redevelopment Corporation.
Continued re-branding as we re-focus the newsletter to highlight more neighborhood-focused reporting, work to evolve the website,www.ourmadisonville.com, and strive to reach pockets of the neighborhood to cultivate engagement across 45227.
A collaborative meeting in March with the Department of Transportation & Engineering and the Madisonville Business Chamber leadership identified several opportunities to resolve existing pedestrian safety concerns. Resident reporting and use of the Incident Apps on the City of Cincinnati website https://cincinnati-oh.gov/dote/safety/ will only further demonstrate the neighborhood’s need for additional pedestrian safety and traffic calming enhancement in Madisonville.
On behalf of the Madisonville Community Council, the board welcomes feedback as we volunteer our time and talents to OUR MADISONVILLE.

Kate Botos
Madisonville Community Council President